“Strengthen OUR College Together” by Attending FLEX Days on Thurs. and Fri., August 18 & 19
Don’t miss dynamic keynote speaker Helen Benjamin, Chancellor of the Contra Costa Community College District, who will kick off FLEX Days with a presentation relating to the theme, “Strengthening OUR College Together: Time for Action,” on Thursday, August 18, in the Newton Student Lounge. The two days of activities planned by the Professional Development Committee, chaired by Jason Holloway, will all carry that theme, from the opening remarks by our own Chancellor Jowel Laguerre, to important informational sessions on communication, Moodle, Institutional Research, Smart Classrooms, ASMC, Assessment, and more. On Friday, August 19, you’ll hear fascinating stories from our students who went to China, a Title IX update, and the latest information on Accreditation, Budgets, and Institutional Research before getting together by Divisions and Student Services. The entire schedule is attached here.