Enroll NOW in “Sustainable Environmental Systems” (ENVMT 2)

Enroll NOW in “Sustainable Environmental Systems” (ENVMT 2)

Join David Ralston, Merritt instructor and local and regional community environmental planner, as he welcomes you to learn first-hand how a sustainable systems approach can transform our urban environment. This class, designed for students of all disciplines, introduces you to the East Oakland phase of reclaiming the 21.7-mile San Leandro Creek as a community jewel of needed access to nature pathways, parks and cultural expression (find out more at bayareane.ws/2Dm95fL).


Along the way you’ll learn core concepts of sustainability, ecology, population, natural resources, waste and pollution, and you’ll reflect on how much human behavior is inter-connected with the environmental systems in which we live. (Meets GE Social Science requirements.
Enroll NOW at www.merritt.edu  – space is limited! For questions, contact the instructor at daoudra1@gmail.com.

(Click on flyer below to enlarge)