Deadline to Petition for Graduation is March 20; Here are the Steps You Need to Take

019_20140521_MerrittGraduation_EOS18814 copyAre you ready to graduate this May? Whether or not you are sure if you have met the requirements, you need to make an appointment with a counselor (51o- 436-2475). Everyone who wants to graduate must fill out a Petition Form which must be signed by both you and your counselor. The deadline for approved Petition Forms is March 20. Click here to see the steps you need to take for the graduation petition process or see below. Also  go to the  Graduation 2015 website to learn find out more about graduationHope to see you at the Commencement Ceremonies on Wednesday, May 20!


Steps to Graduation

Follow the steps below if you are eligible for a degree or certificate evaluation:

  1. Complete the Petition for Graduation form for AA/AS, AA-T/AS-T and/or Certificate. Click here to download the Petition form.
  2. Schedule an appointment with a counselor to review the Petition Form for degree/certificate requirements. (Note: If you are working with counselors in EOPS/CARE, DSPS, CalWORKS, or Veteran’s Services, you should make appointments with them; all other students can make appointments in the Counseling Department, Student Center (R109).
  3. Return your petition (with your signature and your Counselor’s signature)  and with the evaluation worksheets completed by your counselor to the Admissions and Records Office in the Student Center (R114A).

The deadline to submit petitions to Admissions & Records is March 20, 2015.