Visit the Assessment Fair, April 17-21, 10-6, in S-352 to Get Help!

The month of April is full of activities and opportunities for Merritt to complete our critical assessment tasks but also celebrate the good work that has been done. See all the possibilities below,including the Assessment Fair from April 17-21. CCSSE: This term, Merritt is participating in the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE). This survey builds on critical student retention research in the field and asks our students about their college experiences, how they spend their time, what they feel they have gained from their classes, relationships with faculty, staff and other students, and how the college supports their learning. This data will build upon the data already collected for our Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO’s). The college can compare the results of this year’s surveys to the 2013 results to see if we made improvement across key indicators of student success and retention. CCSSE week is April 3-7, 2017 in selected courses. Samantha Kessler has already contacted you and made arrangements, if your course was selected.
- This month, you will be asked to assess the governance committees via survey. Watch for a link in your email to assess the committees you serve on.
- During the week of April 17-21, the Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Committee (SLOAC) is sponsoring an Assessment Fair. The Fair will showcase the great assessment work done by our colleagues, who will be available throughout the week to share their experience and the results of their assessment work. Visit the Assessment Fair in S building 3rd Floor Shell Space, 10am-6pm, to be inspired by Assessment!
- At the Assessment Fair, the SLOAC coordinators will be present to help with assessment. Coordinators will be present Monday 10-12 and 2-4, Tuesday 2-4, Wednesday 4-6, Thursday 10-11 and 2:30-3:30 and Friday 10-12 and 2-3. As President Burns mentioned, now is the time to “Get it done!” and contribute to the college’s reaffirmation of accreditation.