ASMC’s Club Council Meets to Plan Exciting Events for Spring
Club Council President Montel Floyd and other officers meet with club presidents, with a welcome from Dr. Herbert Kitchen, to discuss event planning for the rest of the year. Check this website and calendar for upcoming activities and join in! Back row: Brooklyn Crawford, Club Council Vice President; Montel Floyd, Club Council President; Dominique White, Club Council Secretary; Anamafi Halangahu, PURE Club; Danielle Spencer, Inter-Tribal Student Union; Jennifer Hughes, Ability Counts; Airion Boatner, Tobacco-Less Club; Dr. Herbert Kitchen, Director of Student Activities & Campus Life; Front row: Jennifer Erazo, Criminal Justice Club; Spencer Staggers-Emore, Criminal Justice Club; Earthy Young; Street Scholars Club; Yilda Mac, Christian Fellowship; Paul Dunn, SULLY Club. (Photo by Susan May)