Align your interests to a fulfilling career for FREE with Merritt College’s subscription to Roadmap to Careers!

Discover how the things you like can connect you to a rewarding career you’ll love. Drawing from Roadtrip Nation’s library of thousands of candid video interviews with professionals from all walks of life, Roadmap to Careers showcases real stories of the struggles and successes you might encounter on your road to a fulfilling career – and equips you with the tools you’ll need to take your first steps to build a livelihood that’s true to who you are. It’s FREE! so visit:
Getting Started
- When on the landing page, either click “Get started” or simply click “Create Account” in the top right corner.
- After clicking “Create Account”, you will be directed to an account creation page where they will need to fill out all the required fields.
- Please create a username which has 6-15 characters, with the exception of special characters; i.e. “firstnamelastname”.
- For the password, choose your own with at least 8 characters, at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, one number, and one special character.
- For the email address, we recommend you use your email address.
- After you create an account, you will be taken directly to a page to fill out your membership status. This is the page where you will input the provided membership code in order to gain full access to Roadtrip’s career exploration tools and leader videos.
- Please ensure you click “Go!” so the membership code is processed to your account. If you click “Get started” first, the membership code will not be saved.
- For those students that already have an account and log in go to “Account Settings” in the top right corner, click “Membership”, and add the according membership code.
After successfully setting up an account and logging in, get started using the Interview Archive by:
- Completing the Roadmap tool to find Leaders connected to your Roads.
- Clicking on the Theme tab to find out what Leaders think about financial security, success, and many other difficult topics.
- Using the Leader tab to see whom we’ve talked to throughout the years.
- Personalizing your experience by finding Leaders based on Interest and Foundation, and connect who they are with what they’re exploring.
Introducing the Original Roadtrip and Interview Archive
Kick off your journey with the story of the Original Roadtrip:
Roadtrip Nation started when its founders, Nathan, Mike, and Brian, weren’t sure what to do with their lives, so they went on a Roadtrip to learn the stories of Leaders who built lives around their passions. The conversations generated such powerful insights that the original roadtrippers decided to start Roadtrip Nation as a platform to share the stories of people who have defined their own roads.
The Interview Archive is a collection of all the stories Roadtrip Nation has gathered on the road over the years. It contains the stories of people who have pushed through roadblocks to create their livelihoods around their interests—everyone from CEOs of big companies to costume designers, magazine writers, biologists, chocolatiers, and beyond. You will see how successful people made life decisions, and then apply those insights to your own lives as you start to define your own roads.
Recommended Videos
Start off with a diverse mix of Leaders who come from different backgrounds and work in different fields. The following Leaders may resonate well with you:
Zaria Forman
Artist & Climate Change Activist
Father Greg Boyle
Founder / Executive Director Homeboy Industries
Jessica Santana
Co-Founder, New York On Tech, New York, NY
John Rodrigues
Ice Sculptor / Author
High School Dropout to Harvard
Mansi M. Kasliwal
Assistant Professor of Astronomy & Principal Investigator at GROWTH
California Institute of Technology
, Palomar Observatory, Calif.
Evelynn M. Hammonds
Professor, History of Science, African and African American Studies, Harvard University