Want to Get a Jumpstart on College? Join the Adelante Summer Program, 6/27-7/22

Are you a high school senior preparing to enter Merritt College in the fall? Are you nervous about the transition and would like to get a head start before you start? Then you should sign up for the Adelante Summer Bridge Program which will be held Monday-Thursday, June 29-July 23, from 8:15-2:40 p.m. It’s an excellent four-week jumpstart program designed for incoming Merritt College freshmen students. This learning community offers 4 units of a basic skills English course (English 252A/B: Integrated Reading and Writing), a .5-unit Counseling course (Counseling 200A: College Orientation), and a 1-unit counseling course (Counseling 207A: Career Exploration). The Adelante Summer Bridge Program was originally designed to serve new Latino students, but given the demand for such an important program, the program was adjusted to serve the needs of a broader population of new underserved students. The program will be held at Merritt’s extension center at 1900 Fruitvale Ave, 1C, in Oakland. For more information, contact Rosa S. Perez, at rperezflores@peralta.edu or call her at (510) 434-3972.