See March 22 Flex Day Schedule, Including Classified BINGO
Be sure to attend the Mid-Term Flex Day on Thursday, March 22, which has a great line-up of activities planned by the Professional Development Committee, led by Thomas Renbarger. Please find the program details below. The one-day event begins with a Continental Breakfast starting at 8:15 a.m. and Classified BINGO–with prizes!– at 9 a.m. (to see if you know how much our Classified Staff does for the college!), followed by a welcome by President Burns and a variety of enlightening topics throughout the day.
Morning Schedule (Location R-110)
8:15 – 9:00 Continental Breakfast (Fresh and Natural Catering)
9:00 – 9:20 Classified Bingo (PDC)
Description: We’ll have a short activity in which attendees will play “classified bingo.” We’ll call out names of classified staff with a brief description of what they do on campus. The first person to complete a row of five names will win a prize, and the game may continue after this. Classified staff present when their name is called will receive a Starbucks gift card, while supplies last.
9:20 – 9:35 President’s Welcome (Dr. Burns)
9:35 – 9:50 Janus vs. AFSCME Update (Sheila Metcalf-Tobin/PFT)
Description: PFT rep Sheila Metcalf-Tobin will give us an update on where the Janus vs. AFSCME case stands, how it impacts us at Merritt College, and what we can do to help strengthen the unions that represent so many of us.
9:50 – 10:20 The ILO Assessment Cycle: What Have We Learned? (Laura Forlin/SLOAC)
Description: We have completed three-year Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO) assessment cycle, and now it is time to take stock of what we have learned and whether it would be worthwhile to reassess and refine our ILOs.
10:20 – 10:30 Break/Announcements
10:30 – 11:30 Introduction to ONEPeralta and Starfish (VC Siri Brown/VC Jason Cole)
Description: During the Spring Convocation, Chancellor Laguerre shared two new technology projects that Peralta is now in the midst of implementing. The two projects are OnePeralta, an upgrade to our current PeopleSoft system designed to streamline and modernize the many administrative processes vital to proper function of our campuses, and Starfish, a student support software platform that includes education planning, degree audit, retention, and early alert toolsets. Vice Chancellor Siri Brown and Vice Chancellor Jason Cole will provide an update on both projects.
11:30 – Noon Are You Ready for a Health Emergency on Campus? (Health and Safety Committee)
Description: We hope the audience will walk away with five learning Objectives:
- Recognize a Medical Emergency and Call 911
- Assess the Scene for Safety and ask Bystanders “is Anybody Trained in First Aid or CPR?”
III. Ask the Victim (if Conscious) “Can I help you?”—If unconscious then Consent is implied
- Ascertain Help is on the way and reassure the victim help is on the way
- Now you may help the victim as we talked about today in the presentation–Relevant to the accident or Injury and to your level of First Aid or CPR Training–until Paramedics Arrive
Afternoon Schedule
Noon – 1:00 Lunch (Marco Polo Catering, R-110)
1:00 – 2:00 Curriculum Review: Are We Teaching What Matters? (Facilitator: Nghiem Thai, R-110)
Description: Merritt College is implementing regular and systematic curriculum review in conjunction with the program review/annual program update cycle. Join members of the Curriculum and Instructional Council to launch this vital process to ensure the quality and integrity of all active courses and programs at Merritt. We will share a timeline, step-by-step instructions, evaluative tools, and training resources to assist department chairs, program directors, and faculty in this effort.
1:00 – 2:00 Crossing the OER Threshold (Facilitator Steve Pantell, Location L137)
Description: Attendees will hear about and learn from their peers’ experience in adopting OER materials for their class(es), including starting the adoption process, hurdles with solutions, tips to effective adoptions, and initial reactions from students using OER materials. This is a practical, interactive workshop; attendees will leave with tools and suggestions to immediately implement OER materials in their class(es). The workshop will also address the future of the OER movement at Merritt and in PCCD.
2:00 – 3:00 Risk management 101: Presentation and Ergonomic Tips for a safe workplace (Facilitator Royl Roberts, S213)
Description: The Risk Management Department will provide updates on contact information, and what to do if you or someone else is injured at work or on campus. Helpful tips regarding navigating the Risk Management Website will be followed by an ergonomic presentation to help you feel better on the job.
2:00 – 3:00 Guided Pathways Book Discussion Workshop (Facilitator: Samantha Kessler, Welcome Center common area, R Building)
Description: The emerging Guided Pathways Group will be hosting a book review of Redesigning America’s Community Colleges: A Clearer Path to Student Success by Bailey, Jaggars, and Jenkins, and guided pathways discussion in an afternoon workshop on Flex Day Thursday March 22. We will use the book as a guide to facilitate discussion not only about guided pathways, but about student success and ways to improve our programs and services. Please join us… even if you have only read one chapter of this book! After having attended a few Guided Pathways workshops, I can tell you that this book is beneficial for anyone – faculty, staff and administrator – working at Merritt College, as it will take the collaboration of all to improve student success and implement any kind of redesign or change.
3:00 – 4:00 Guided Pathways Proposal Workshop (Facilitator: VPI Lamb, L132)
Description: Merritt College needs your input for the upcoming Guided Pathways grant proposal! The motivation behind developing the Guided Pathways framework is to facilitate student success by helping our students achieve their educational goals more efficiently. The Guided Pathways task force is working on a proposal submission due on March 30th to help fund these efforts, but we’ll require input from all constituencies to make the proposal as strong as possible.