“Learning From Within” Was Focus of Spring Semester FLEX Day

Don’t miss FLEX Day on January 18, a day of important information and activities focusing on “Learning From Within” planned by the hard-working Professional Development Committee, chaired by Tom Renbarger. After a continental breakfast in R-110, the morning will continue with President Burns giving an update with a PowerPoint of all the great things happening at Merritt. The rest of the morning is filled with important topics including Title IX, Guided Pathways, the Learning Center, and the newly renamed Student Accessibility Services (formerly Disabled Services Program). After lunch, there will be Division meetings and workshops. (See schedule below).
8:15 – 9:00 Continental Breakfast
9:00-9:40 – Merritt College Update (Dr. Burns/Dr. Kitchen)
9:30-9:40 – Important Message About Title IX (Dr. Burns/Dr. Kitchen)
9:40-10:10 – Introduction to Guided Pathways (Dr. Lamb)
10:10-10:15 – Bathroom Break
10:15-11:15 – Spotlight on the Learning Center (Isela Santana/Samantha Kessler/Charlotte Victorian
11:15-11:55 – Are Student Accommodations Really Necessary? (Frances Moy/Mary Ciddio/Ron Nelson)
11:55-Noon – Announcements (MLK Center)
Noon – 12:45 – Hot Lunch (Marco Polo Catering)
12:45 – 1:45 – Division Meetings (Div. 1 in P-308; iv. 2 in S449; Div. 3 in S-455)
1:45 – 2:30 Department Meetings (Locations to be arranged b Dept. Chairs and Program Directors)
2:30 – 4:30 Workshops
2:30 p.m.
CurricUNET Meta Assessment Training (Heather Casale, L-131)
Preparing for Job Interviews (Brad Balukjian and Mario Rivas (R-28)
3:30 p.m.
Curriculum Training for New Chairs (Nghiem Thai, L-131)
Setting Up Your Canvas Shell – L-132
4:30 p.m.
Faculty Orientation (Mario Rivas, R-28))