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What’s the Latest News at Merritt? You Tell Us!

Do you always feel like you’re the last to know the news at Merritt? This site was created to change that by increasing the communication regarding new developments in important areas of concern for staff, faculty, and administration and keeping everybody up to date!

This site is for you…and by you. You can submit news by clicking on the blue button below or get news by clicking on any of the suggested categories listed below that (or in the Miscellaneous category). If you have a suggestion for an additional category, please send an email to Dr. Mario Rivas, President of the Merritt College Academic Senate, mrivas@peralta.edu.

Thanks for your participation!

Click here to submit your news.


1. Accreditation
….a. Accredited, next report due…

2. Awards and recognitions
….a. Scholarships, grants, etc.

3. Budget updates
….a. Budget submitted
….b. Budget opportunities4. Classified staff updates

5. Committee updates

6. Facility updates

7. Human Resources
….a. New hires at the college
……..1. Progress on the hiring process
….b. New positions posted
….c. Being Considered for posting
….d. People retiring, leaving college
8. Technology Updates

9. Special Program updates

….a. Student success Program updates, including grant opportunities
….b. SWF updates
……..1. New directions
….c. Perkins
….b. HIS
….e. Special Grants
….f. Umoja, Puente, FYE, etc.

10. Senate updates

….a. Classified
….b. Faculty
….c. Student

11. Miscellaneous